Legacy Archive | Your Calling is Calling | Pastor Joel Sims

In this episode titled “Your Calling is Calling,” from 2016, we delve into the inspiring truth that no matter how many times we stumble, our calling remains unshakeable. Taking a page from David’s life, we see how, despite his significant mistakes and humble beginnings, his journey demonstrates that God’s plan for us doesn’t waver. Through studying David’s life, we’re reminded that we too can make a substantial impact, not just in our immediate circle but beyond, proving that there are potential difference-makers among us. This episode urges everyone to embrace their calling and become the change they’re destined to be.

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The Impact of Imminence | Fondren 6pm | Joshua Adams

We welcome Joshua Adams back to The Six, our Fondren 6pm service, where he shares the impact the awareness of the very soon coming of Jesus should have on every believer.

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The Anthem of the Amen | Joshua Adams

We were honored to welcome Pastor Joshua Adams to Word of Life as he delivered a message on God’s faithfulness. Through this message, we walk through many scriptures covering the power of His word and the goodness of God.

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Renew Your Heart | Fondren 6pm | Hillary Ravick

We’re often told to renew our minds as we head into new seasons, but when was the last time you renewed your heart? Check out this episode by our Fondren campus pastor Hillary Ravick to learn why the heart matters in every season.

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Holy Hospitality | Hillary Ravick

If you’ve lived in Mississippi at any given time, you know how the Hospitality State treats its neighbors. We wave in the neighborhood, open the door as you walk by, and offer a “bless your heart” whenever we hear something troubling. But what happens when we apply biblical standards to our hospitality? In this episode from our Fondren campus, listen to learn about “Holy Hospitality” and how it can change you and your community.

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Together Everyone Accomplishes Much | Robert Berry

Sometimes the loudest voices in our lives aren’t giving us the best advice. Often it’s our own voice. In this episode, Pastor Robert shares with the Poindexter campus the importance of having the right people in our lives who can help us with our dreams. The key is not just focusing on our dream alone, but on the one true dream that matters most. Listen in to learn practical tips on how together, everyone accomplishes much.

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The Promise of Peace | Chase Sievers

Does peace feel far away and out of reach for you? In this episode, Pastor Chase at Word of Life Highland Colony campus shares his journey of finding peace and strength after his father passed away. You’ll discover the same keys to peace that caused the troubled and fearful disciples to be transformed into healed, bold witnesses for Jesus. Peace is basic Christianity and you can live in it today!

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